Gorton and Denton Constituency
If you’d told me just 6 months ago, that at the age of 56 I’d be starting a new career in politics, instead of spending time with my children and grandchildren, I’d have suggested you were sadly mistaken. Having left school at 16 and joined the Army as a boy soldier, where I served 8 years as a Royal Military Policeman, in several spheres including BAOR, The Falkland Islands (post conflict) and Northern Ireland; followed by several successful jobs in corporate life all around the Manchester area; my amazing wife and I decided to go into business for ourselves, where we have enjoyed some moderate success.
As a Veteran, I can no longer stand back and continue to watch knuckle pointing, ‘career’ politicians, who punctuate with ‘let me be clear’ & ‘we have been very clear’ etc, (whilst being anything but clear), many of whom have never worked a ‘normal’ job in their entire lives, run this country into the ground. All whilst lining their own pockets and rewarding each other and their ‘lackies’ with peerages for doing a woeful job! Just to then hand the baton back to the opposite side of the House for history to repeat itself.
For that and many, many other reasons such as uncontrolled immigration, a Broken Health system, national security, the cost-of-living crisis (which just seems to be exploited by major retailers), the list just goes on! we need Radical change and the only way that can happen is if each and every one of us is prepared to stand up and be counted.
Right now, until YOU vote for a radical change, under the current ‘Tribal’ 1st past the post voting system the process will always be rigged in favour of the 2-party system, which is why the only other country in Europe to use this system is Belarus! Do we really call that democratic? For true democracy, and for true and radical change we need Proportionate representation, which the current ruling parties will never allow, as it’s not in the interest of either party!
Well, I for one am not prepared to stand back and watch my children & grandchildren have to face the same 2 woeful options for parliament that we are faced with today, where a ‘dull’ largely silent Labour party with no discernible solutions are polling a huge majority because the former alternative is so, indescribably poor.
This is, I believe a pivotal time in our country’s history, where every single vote counts. Whilst the other parties want you to think that a vote for reform is a wasted vote, just look at the poles! Reform get stronger every day, and are the true party of opposition; where as in my opinion, a vote for either of the other 2 parties is a vote for “Same S***, different day!”
For real democracy, vote Reform.
Gorton and Denton Constituency Map
Constituency Information
Electorate: 74306
1 Burnage
2 Gorton & Abbey Hey
3 Levenshulme
4 Longsight
5 Audenshaw
6 Denton North East
7 Denton South
8 Denton West